Various Nephrometry Scoring System

Individual tumor characteristics should be considered in the preprocedural period. Several renal nephrometry scoring systems have been developed to facilitate the standardized, quantitative assessment of tumor complexity based on radiologic features.

R.E.N.A.L nephrometry scoring sytem:

Radius (cm)≤45-6≥7
Exophytic or Endophytic≥ 50% exophytic< 50% exophytic100% endophytic
Nearness to collecting system/renal sinus (mm)≥ 7 5-6 ≤ 4
Anterior or Posteriora = anterior, p = posterior, x = cannot assign, h = when tumor touches renal artery or vein
Location relative to Polar linesEntirely above or below the lower polar line< 50% cross polar line> 50% mass is across polar line, mass is entirely between polar lines
4-6 Low complexity group
7-9 Moderate complexity group
10-12 High complexity group
Polar lines are regions of kidney above and below which the medial portion of renal parenchyma is met by renal sinus fat, vessel or the collecting system.

PADUA nephrometry scoring sytem:​

Radius (cm)≤44.1-7>7
Exophytic or Endophytic≥ 50% exophytic< 50% exophytic100% endophytic
Renal RimLateralMedial
Renal SinusNot involvedInvolved
Urinary collecting systemNot involvedDislocated/Inflitrated
Longitudinal (polar) location Superior/InferiorMiddle
Anterior or Posteriora = anterior, p = posterior
6-7 Low risk group
8-9 Moderate risk group
≥ 10 High risk group

P-RAC nephrometry scoring sytem:​​

Radius (cm)< 33-4>4
Exophytic or Endophytic≥ 50% exophytic< 50% exophytic100% endophytic
Nearness to collecting system (mm)≥ 76.9-4.1≤4
Distance to nearest structure (cm)> 1.5 > 1 cm but ≤1.5 {1.5 multiplier applied to individual scoring in case of sensitive organ - small bowel, colon, pancreas, ureter or renal vasculature}≤ 1 {1.5 multiplier applied to individual scoring in case of sensitive organ - small bowel, colon, pancreas, ureter or renal vasculature}
Anterior or Posteriora = anterior, p = posterior
4 - 6 Low complexity group
7 - 9 Moderate complexity group
≥ 10 High complexity group

(MC)2 scoring system:

Radius (cm)≤ 2.5 cm
> 2.5 cm
2.5 points
0.1 points / mm tumor diameter
Central tumor locationYes
1.5 points
0 points
History of myocardial infarctionYes
2.5 points
0 points
History of complicated diseaseYes
3 points
0 points
< 5 Low risk for major complication
5 - 8 Moderate risk for major complication
≥ 9 High risk for major complication

DAP scoring system:

Diameter Scoring (cm)< 2.4 2.4 - 4.4 > 4.4
Axial Distance Scoring (cm)> 1.5 ≤ 1.5 Overlap
Polar distance Scoring (cm)> 2 ≤ 2Overlap
Combine A and P score for tumor location and centrality
  1. Rosaleen B. Parsons, Daniel Canter, Alexander Kutikov, Robert G. Uzzo. RENAL Nephrometry Scoring System: The Radiologist’s Perspective. (2012) American Journal of Roentgenology. 199 (3): W355-9. 
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  3. Kutikov A, Uzzo RG. The R.E.N.A.L. nephrometry score: a comprehensive standardized system for quantitating renal tumor size, location and depth. (2009) The Journal of urology. 182 (3): 844-53. 
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