Portal Hypertension

Portal hypertension is a serious medical condition arising from the obstruction of normal blood flow within the liver, often associated with conditions like cirrhosis or portal vein thrombosis. In cirrhosis, extensive structural changes occur within the liver, leading to increased resistance to blood flow, a primary driver of portal hypertension. This heightened resistance is a result of factors such as fibrosis and vasoconstriction within the liver. Additionally, alterations in key hepatic cells, like hepatic stellate cells and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, play pivotal roles in exacerbating this resistance. Furthermore, the dysfunction of these cells can lead to a range of complications, including impaired blood flow control, inflammation, fibrosis, and hindered liver regeneration. Beyond these intrahepatic changes, portal hypertension triggers significant extrahepatic responses. Collateral vessels form to redirect blood from the digestive organs, but this process can lead to serious complications such as variceal bleeding. Additionally, the systemic circulation experiences pronounced arterial vasodilation, increasing blood flow to the portal vein. Understanding these intricate mechanisms is crucial for developing effective interventions to manage and treat portal hypertension.

Intrahepatic changes during Portal Hypertension:

FactorRole in Increased Intrahepatic Vascular ResistanceMechanism/Effect
Endothelial Cell DysfunctionDecreased vasodilators: - ↓ Nitric Oxide (NO) production/bioavailability
- Inhibition of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) by negative regulators (e.g., caveolin-1)
- Increased oxidative stress in cirrhosis
- Formation of peroxynitrite (ONOO-), reducing NO bioavailability as a vasodilator
- Antioxidant molecules (e.g., vitamin C, vitamin E, SOD, N-acetylcysteine) mitigate vascular resistance and portal hypertension
Vasoconstrictors: Increased vasoconstrictors like Thromboxane A2 (TXA2)- Increased COX-1 activity in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSECs)
- Augmented TXA2 production due to heightened COX-1 activity in cirrhotic livers
- Inhibition of TXA2 or COX-1 activity attenuates increased intrahepatic vascular resistance
Activated Hepatic Stellate Cells (HSCs)Liver injury causes HSCs to transform into myofibroblasts, express proinflammatory and fibrotic genes- Increased contractility in activated state, leading to increased vascular resistance
- Enhanced recruitment around sinusoidal vessels, elevating intrahepatic resistance
- Decreased response to vasodilators like NO
- Enhanced contractions due to increased Endothelin-1 (ET-1) production
Angiogenesis in the LiverPromotes vessel formation in fibrotic septa and regenerative nodules- Activated HSCs and myofibroblasts release angiogenic factors (angiopoietin, VEGF)
- Irregular flow patterns result from splitting angiogenesis

Extrahepatic changes during Portal Hypertension:

MechanismRole in Portal HypertensionEffect
Collateral Vessel FormationDevelops in response to increased portal pressure- Causes variceal bleeding and hepatic encephalopathy
- Formed through opening of pre-existing vessels or angiogenesis
- Detected first in intestinal microcircular vascular bed, followed by splanchnic arteries
- Generates angiogenic factors (VEGF, PlGF) promoting porto-systemic collaterals
- Treatment with anti-VEGFR2, anti-VEGF/anti-PDGF, anti-PlGF, apelin antagonist, sorafenib, cannabinoid receptor 2 agonist reduces collaterals by 18-78%
Arterial VasodilationContributes to excessive vasodilation in arterial splanchnic and systemic circulations- NO, CO, PGIs, endocannabinoids, EDHF are induced
- eNOS activation and NO overproduction triggered by increased portal pressure
- Vasodilation first develops in mesenteric arteries, then in the aorta
HypocontractilityCharacteristic of arterial splanchnic and systemic circulations in portal hypertension- Due to excessive vasodilation and presence of vasodilator molecules (NO)
- Various molecules (endocannabinoids, neuropeptide Y, urotensin II, angiotensin, bradykinin) involved
Neural FactorsPostulated role in hyperdynamic circulatory syndrome, especially through the sympathetic system- Sympathetic nerve atrophy/regression observed in mesenteric arteries
- Contributes to vasodilation and/or hypocontractility of arteries
Structural Changes of ArteriesThinning of arterial walls observed in splanchnic and systemic circulations of cirrhotic livers- Results from hemodynamic changes due to portal hypertension
- Sustains arterial vasodilation and worsens portal hypertension
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