Musculoskeletal interventions of various joints

Post by: Dr. Yajush Jain and Dr. Shekhar Kalia

MSK Interventions of shoulder:

PathologyMSK InterventionsComparisonOther Key Points
Rotator Cuff Calcific Tendinopathy- US-PICD (ultrasound-guided percutaneous irrigation of calcific tendinopathy)
- SASD (Subacromial–subdeltoid) bursa steroid injection
- Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT)
US-PICT for Calcific Tendinopathy is safe and effective. It has better results than SASD and EWSL with reduce risk of adverse effects.SASD bursa corticosteroid injection is more effective than hyaluronic acid injection
Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy- Ultrasound-guided PRP injectionInjecting PRP under ultrasound guidance for patients who have undergone arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff tears does not show clear advantages in reducing postoperative pain
Supraspinatus Tendinopathy- US-Guided PRP Injection
- US-Guided Dry needling
- US-Guided Prolotherapy (hypertonic dextrose injection )
PRP is superior to dry needlingProlotherapy involves the use of irritant substances in injections, which stimulate the healing process of tendons by triggering an inflammatory response.
Long Head of Biceps Tendon (LHBT) Sheath- US-Guided LHBT Sheath Injection
- Fluoroscopy-guided injections
- US-Guided LHBT Tenotomy
US guidance more accurate and diagnostically beneficial.
Glenohumeral Joint (GHJ)- US-Guided GHJ Injections
- Palpation-Guided GHJ Injections
Ultrasound guidance improves GHJ injections.
Acromioclavicular Joint (ACJ)- US-Guided GHJ Injections
- Palpation-Guided GHJ Injections
Image-guided injections are significantly more accurate.

MSK interventions in elbow and wrist:

PathologyMSK InterventionsComparisonOther Key Points
Lateral Epicondylitis- Ultrasound-guided Dry Needling
- Ultrasound-guided PRP Injection
- Ultrasound-guided Steroid Injections
PRP superior to corticosteroid therapy.
Ultrasound-guided release shows better success rate compared to palpation-guided release.
Needling alone effective for lateral epicondylitis, without additional therapies.
Medial Epicondylitis and Tendinopathy- Ultrasound-guided Dry Needling
- Ultrasound-guided PRP Injection
- Ultrasound-guided Steroid Injections
Ultrasound-guided release shows better success rate compared to palpation-guided release.
Distal Biceps Tendinopathy- Ultrasound-guided Dry Needling
- Ultrasound-guided PRP Injection
- Ultrasound-guided Steroid Injections
Ultrasound-guided release shows better success rate compared to palpation-guided release.Posterior approach considered easy and safe with no neurovascular structures in the needle path.
Triceps Tendinopathy- Ultrasound-guided Dry Needling
- Ultrasound-guided PRP Injection
- Ultrasound-guided Steroid Injections
Ultrasound-guided release shows better success rate compared to palpation-guided release.
De Quervain’s Disease
(the first extensor compartment)
- Ultrasound-guided Steroid Injection
- Ultrasound-guided percutaneous release (retinaculum release using a 21-G needle)
Ultrasound-guided release shows better success rate compared to palpation-guided release.
Extensor tendon sheaths (other than first tendon)Ultrasound-guided injectionsUltrasound-guided release shows better success rate compared to palpation-guided release.
Trigger Finger- Ultrasound-guided Percutaneous Trigger Finger Release
- Ultrasound-guided Steroid Injections for Trigger Finger
- Ultrasound-guided PRP for Trigger Finger
- Open Surgery vs. Ultrasound-guided Steroid Injection for Trigger Finger
- Ultrasound-guided Intra-articular Needle Placement in Hand Joints
- Palpation-guided Percutaneous Trigger Finger Release
- Ultrasound-guided release shows better success rate, pain reduction, and patient satisfaction compared to palpation-guided release.
- Open surgery seems to be superior to intra-sheath steroid injection but has a higher complication rate.

MSK Interventions hip joint:

PathologyMSK InterventionsComparisonOther Key Points
Iliopsoas Peri-tendinous/Bursal Injections- Ultrasound-guided Injections with Local Anesthetic and CorticosteroidsCan be used to exclude iliopsoas tendon as a cause of hip/groin pain.
Pubalgia Treatments- Single Ultrasound-guided Corticosteroid-Anesthetic Injection into the symphyseal cleft, Rectus Abdominis/Adductor Longus
- Fluoroscopy-guided Injections
Hamstring Tendinopathy- Ultrasound-guided Needling
- Ultrasound-guided Autologous Blood Product Injection
Both methods may improve clinical symptoms.
Greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome (GTPS)- Image guided corticosteroid-anesthetic Injections
- Palpation-guided corticosteroid-anesthetic Injections
- Image guided Needling
- Image guided PRP injection
Ultrasound-guided injections more effective.
PRP may have longer-lasting clinical improvement.
Ultrasound- and palpation-guided injections are safe and effective.
Intra-Articular Hip Injections- Image guided corticosteroid-anesthetic Injections
- Palpation-guided corticosteroid-anesthetic Injections
- Image guided PRP injection
More accurate and effective than palpation-guided injections.- Positive response can help confirm intra-articular origin of hip pain.
- Corticosteroid or Hyaluronic Acid can be used for Hip Injection

MSK Interventions knee joint:

PathologyMSK InterventionsComparisonOther Key Points
Knee Joint Procedures- Intra-Articular US-Guided Procedures (e.g., arthrocentesis, injections)US-guidance significantly improves accuracy in procedures around the knee, leading to better fluid aspiration and injection outcomes.-
Inflammatory arthritis- US-Guided Corticosteroid-Anesthetic Injections
Knee osteoarthritis- US-Guided HA Intra-Articular Injections
- US-Guided Injections of Regenerative Medications (PRP, autologous blood)
- US-Guided Corticosteroid-Anesthetic Injections
HA injections are effective and superior to steroids in the long term.
Limited evidence supports the use of regenerative medications.
Patellar Tendinopathy- US-Guided Dry Needling
- Other US-Guided Treatments (like corticosteroid, high-volume injections, prolotherapy, sclerosing injections with polidocanol, and HA)
Dry needling is highly effective in improving function and pain in patellar tendinopathy. PRP combined with dry needling enhances outcomes, but standalone PRP efficacy is uncertain.
Baker’s Cysts- US-Guided Procedures (US-guided aspiration, wall fenestration, and corticosteroid injection)US-guided interventions are safe and effective in relieving pain and reducing cyst volume in patients with Baker’s cysts due to internal knee derangement.Effective for Baker's cysts.
Pes Anserinus Bursitis- US-Guided Corticosteroid InjectionsUS-guided injections are the preferred method.
Fat pad-related anterior Knee Pain SyndromesUS-guided corticosteroid-anesthetic injection and fat pad alcohol ablation Effective in short-term pain reduction associated with anterior knee pain syndromes.Beneficial for short-term pain reduction.

MSK Interventions foot and ankle:

PathologyMSK InterventionsComparisonOther Key Points
Achilles Degenerative Tendinopathy- Image-Guided InjectionsLimited RCT evidence supports image-guided injections for Achilles tendinopathy, but not enough to favor them over conservative treatments. PRP injections showed no superiority over placebo in RCTs.Limited evidence for image-guided injections.
Tibial Tendon Tenosynovitis- US guided Corticosteroid - Anesthetic InjectionsCorticosteroid-anesthetic injections are preferred for tenosynovitis unresponsive to conservative management. Effective for tenosynovitis.
Plantar Fasciitis- US-Guided Corticosteroid Injections
- US-Guided PRP Injections
- Other Injections (ozone, hyaluronic acid, or botulinum toxin type )
US-guided injections for plantar fasciitis are preferred over palpation-guided.
PRP over corticosteroid injections for chronic plantar fasciitis.
The effectiveness of US-guided injections with ozone, hyaluronic acid, or botulinum toxin type A has not been sufficiently proven to be recommended for plantar fasciitis.
Corticosteroid injections are highly effective for plantar fasciitis.
PRP injections are superior for chronic plantar fasciitis.
Limited evidence for alternative injections.
Foot and Ankle Joint Injections- Image-Guided Corticosteroid InjectionsImaging guidance highly accurate.
Midfoot Joint Osteoarthritis- Image-Guided Corticosteroid InjectionsLimited evidence for midfoot joint osteoarthritis.
Talus Osteochondral Lesions- US guided PRP injection
- US guided Prolotherapy
Safe options for talus osteochondral lesions.
Morton’s Neuroma- US-Guided Corticosteroid Injections
- US-Guided Ethanol Injection
- Image-Guided Thermal Ablation
- Other Interventions
US guidance enhances intervention effectiveness.Effective for Morton’s neuroma.
  1. Sconfienza, Luca Maria et al. “Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)-part I, shoulder.” European radiology vol. 30,2 (2020): 903-913. doi:10.1007/s00330-019-06419-x
  2. Sconfienza, Luca Maria et al. “Clinical indications for image-guided interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system: a Delphi-based consensus paper from the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)-part VI, foot and ankle.” European radiology vol. 32,2 (2022): 1384-1394. doi:10.1007/s00330-021-08125-z
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