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Hepatic Encephalopathy and Post TIPS HE

Hepatic encephalopathy is a complex neurological disorder that arises as a consequence of liver dysfunction. It is characterized by a range of cognitive and motor impairments, stemming from the liver’s compromised ability to metabolize toxins and maintain metabolic balance. Central to its pathogenesis is the accumulation of ammonia, a neurotoxic substance, which infiltrates the bloodstream and exerts detrimental effects on the brain. This condition often manifests in individuals with advanced liver disease, particularly those with cirrhosis. Additionally, factors such as portal hypertension, neuroinflammation, and disruptions in neurotransmitter systems play pivotal roles in the development and progression of hepatic encephalopathy. Understanding the intricate interplay of these elements is crucial in managing and mitigating the impact of this debilitating condition.

Type and Grade of Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE):

Pathogenesis and Molecular Mechanisms of Hepatic Encephalopathy:

Risk Factors Following TIPS for Post-TIPS HE:

Post-TIPS Hepatic Encephalopathy Management:

Shunt Reduction Technique for TIPSS: