FIGO Classification: Leiomyoma sub-classification system

Submucosal0Pedunculated intracavitary fibroid (i.e., submucosal fibroid without intramural extension)
1Submucosal fibroid with intramural extension < 50%
2Submucosal fibroid with intramural extension > 50%
Intramural3Intramural fibroid in contact with the endometrium but not extending into the uterine cavity or serous surface
4Intramural fibroid without contact with the endome-trium and without extension into the uterine cavity or serous surface
Subserosal5Subserosal fibroid with intramural extension > 50% and < 50% subserosal
6Subserosal fibroid with intramural extension < 50% and > 50% subserosal
7Subserosal pedunculated fibroid
Other8Other types of fibroids (e.g., cervical, broad ligament, and parasitic fibroids)
Hybrid type2-5Hybrid classification used when a fibroid extends from the endometrial cavity to the serosa, composed of two numbers, separated by a hyphen, the first characterizing the relationship between the fibroid and the endometrium and the second characterizing its relationship with the serosa
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