Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status

The ECOG Performance Status is a standardized measure that assesses a patient’s functional capacity and ability to perform daily activities. It provides a clear indication of the impact of cancer on a patient’s quality of life. The ECOG Performance Status is an essential tool in cancer care, providing valuable insights into a patient’s functional capacity and aiding in treatment decision-making. ¹ It is one of the components that form the BCLC staging for HCC.

0Fully active, able to carry out all activities without restrictions.
1Restricted in physically strenuous activities but able to perform light work.
2Ambulatory and capable of self-care, but unable to work. Up and about more than 50% of waking hours.
3Capable of limited self-care, mostly confined to bed or chair, and up and about approximately 50% of waking hours.
4Completely disabled, bedridden, and unable to carry out any self-care activities.
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